Monday, September 3, 2012

together forever

this holiday weekend a big group of friends and i went on a road trip.
it was all my room mates and this apartment of boys we met last year and have been best friends with ever since
miriam invited us all to go home with her to Elko Nevada to celebrate the weekend we all met last year and to celebrate one year of great friendship. 

we joked and called it our family reunion because last year we were also in the same FHE family.
even though we aren't in the same FHE group any more we still call each other FHE bro and sisters. 
we had such a great weekend. honestly. so great. 
we went to the County Fair (which is a big deal and really fun) and went up to Lamoille Canyon for a cook-out

as reading rainbow says, you don't have to take my word for it:

at family prayer Mir's family does this cute little hand /cheer things where we say "together forever"

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