Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Fun. Concert

for those who may not know- i am quite a music junkie.
i realize that is a very common statement by any real or wanna be hipster at BYU
and i also realize that  the band i am about to talk about is also super popular and doesn't really distinguish my taste from the millions of utah students that love them as well. 

all i can say (WARNING: HIPSTER MOMENT) is that i loved the format early on and loved Fun. once the lead singer started it. so i have known, followed and loved the Format / Fun. for years. 
much longer since their hit 'we are young' that made everyone love them.

wow- that almost made me roll my own eyes about how hipster that was, but its true. 

i love music and am constantly buying new music- blah blah blah you get the point. its nothing new

moral of the story:
i bought tickets for Abby and me to Fun.'s concert for abby's birthday
which worked out great because it was like a birthday gift for me too
we had been waiting since February to go and finally this last weekend it happened!
 it was a packed show- all sold out. and i can't even begin to describe how wonderful, amazing, and utterly great it was. the main singer Nate was adorable, i loved his whole outfit / hair/ mannerisms 
 they played all my top favorite songs and us three girls (caitlin got a ticket as well) just rocked out. we had a pretty good spot- right next to the bar entrance where the security guards liked us and there was a cool draft so we never got hot

 there's cute Nate. when he pulled at his hair- i melted 
plus i liked his dancing 
plus you could totally tell the band was having a total blast as well 
they pitched a perfect game they said

at some points i just wanted to burst because i felt so happy to be alive, to be young and the music was just out of this world. 

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