Thursday, November 3, 2011

she traveled far

this week in any other semester would have been death but since this whole semester is a beast
- i have just become numb to it all.
This week I had 2 quizzes and 2 midterms in my 2 hardest classes all to take in 2 days.
and this same exact situation happened about 3 weeks ago.

all that has been getting me through this repetitive cycle of studying all day, take the test and then immediately starting for the next test is:
picturing myself on my ATV
driving around the red rocks in St. George.
where the wind is so loud i can't hear anything else
where i don't have to think
where i just drive

i have also decided that i just really love traveling.
how cliche i know, look at any girl's blog and off the side where you introduce yourself 99% of them mention travel.
if i were giving tons and tons of money i honestly would just buy a moderate house, put most of it in the bank and once a year use a little to go on a trip.
somewhere new every year.
there are a select places that i would re-visit but for the most part my personality is once i do something, i have the best time and i love it but i want something new after that.
i rarely do repeats.
this applies to a lot of things in my life now that i think of it...
just check it off the bucket list and onto the next.
i just want to travel.

this is an important thing to my sanity and happiness and life.
i want people to say that at the end of life "she traveled far"
and not just geographically.
the end.

i am off to go get a diet coke with a shot of vanilla over pebble ice from Sonic.
also another important thing to my sanity these days.
i know, i thought the day would never come where i finally joined the Faust women and become the 2 zillionth utah mormon girl addicted to diet coke
but it happened.
welcome to the club i guess

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