and i hate it.
i actually really like sharing a room- which i guess is a good thing because one day when i am married i will have to share a room till forever.
diet coke is no good without a shot of vanilla
isn't it weird how so much stuff can happen but once its done you still feel like you are still back in the same place?
i hate not knowing how i feel about stuff or what to do. i am a black and white person so when a grey area comes up in my life, i just don't know what to do about it. and i don't know what to do about the fact that i don't know. (ha- did you follow that logic? vicious cycle)
noah and the whale is a great band. check out "l.i.f.e.g.o.e.s.o.n" and "waiting for my chance to come"
instead of being in Language Development class- i am picturing myself walking out of a studio apartment somewhere in Europe (or maybe Greece), walking down the street with sketch book in bag, listening to the foreign language being spoken by the locals, wearing sandals and a skirt, and just wandering around looking for something i want to draw. nothing on my mind but how nice the sunshine is, how great it feels to be somewhere different yet feel like a local and what a nice sound my shoes make on the cobblestones.
my daydreams are very detailed apparently.
why does it bug boys so much when girls are running to the grocery store in exercise shorts and boots? they aren't trying "to pull anything off". they were just lounging at home, had to go to the store and its fast/easy to put on uggs. the end.
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