Tuesday, August 21, 2012

ensign peak

this is the story of how abby and i got tricked into going on a hike by ourselves: 

well spencer called and asked if abby and i would like to go hiking with him.
JCJ and a mission buddy would be coming along too and the destination would be Ensign Peak.
well Abby and i showed up at 6:00 at the start of the trail when we got a call from Spenc.... John was supposed to meet Spencer at Spencer's house in Alpine BUT John was M.I.A. and they hadn't left Alpine yet. 

Abby and I looked at each other at said "WHELP. might as well go ourselves." 
 we also said "lets be really sporty and treat this as a work-out a.k.a. run up with no stops." 
and by gum- we did it. 
ha! not. i needed a water break. and then another one. 

but i say we made great time and its always a good thing to just get moving and break a sweat. 
 the best thing about exercise is the red face and what abby calls "sideburn sweat". 
oh so cute. 
 by this time i was glad the boys weren't there to see all my "cuteness"
{but Abby did look great. but really- no red face at all. it must be one of her superpowers: to hike and look good while doing it. 
that and the ability to make the best dessert sandwiches. white bread, nutella, banana and marshmallow}
when we got to the top the boys called and said they were finally leaving Alpine for Salt Lake and would meet us at my house. So this time we really did make it with no stops. (man that hike is so steep. and ugly this time of year. so dryyyyyy.)

 i was actually pleased to get some Abby time sans any boys. 
it felt very empowering to work out with just us girls.
Abby has always been my favorite and only work out partner.
 i hate running with other people and Abby is the only exception. 
we go running together when we are at school. its my favorite because then we can go at night and its a healthy way to workout and catch-up at the same time. 
she is one of those special people in my life where i can talk and talk and talk to and still have more to tell her. and i never get sick of her.
 all good things to have in a best friend.

 we made it back to my house and met up with everyone else. by that time Abby had to go home and pack. boo. 
 since it was Spenc's idea to hike Ensign Peak and we had already done that (just without him) we had to come up with something else do to. 
 i took the reins. we made chocolate chip cookies and drove up to the U on the side of the mountain. where we sat on the huge cement letter U, looked at the city lights, played 'would you rather' and ate the still warm cookies. 

so somehow i ended up doing 2 incredibly steep hikes in a matter of hours tonight.
how did that happen?  

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