Monday, March 12, 2012


i love walking to school alone.
this may sound weird but rarely do i like bumping into people and then have to walk with them all the way up to campus.
(there are a select few where i like it)
its just so awkward if you are only slightly good friends and you don't have much to say
you have to keep the conversation going and going and going...
then you reach the SOD aka stairs of death.
those things are impossible to climb non-awkwardly with someone.
everyone has their own pace and stride, so you try and match theirs and it never really works out. you also become breathless while climbing and then for a minute afterwards.

walking alone gives me a chance to be precisely that-
be alone
it is honestly the only time in the whole day where i get a couple of minutes to myself to listen to music and just get in the right mind set for the day.
for the rest of the time i am always surrounded by people whether in class or at the lib.
then i go home to roomies and friends.
all which i love but i just like having 10 mins to myself everyday.

so don't be offended if i see you while walking and i only wave.
i still like you but just like walking by myself more...hahaha

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